Building a Mountain of Leverage Course Preview: Create one small "lever"

Note: This lesson is a free preview from Eric’s course, Building a Mountain of Leverage. Learn more about the course here or purchase the course today.

Create one small "lever"

Let's do some work that does work for us! 

Even one little baby lever can get us started. 

Your outcomes in this course will measurably (and immeasurably!) improve by taking one or more small steps today to get the machine in motion.

Here are some examples you can take action on now:

  • Use IFTTT to set a Daily text with the weather forecast at 8am.

  • Sign up for Readwise to stay fresh on highlights from your reading.

    • If you don’t read on Kindle, you can sign up at to get highlights from the Navalmanack.

  • Get notifications when a new resource is added in the course's Library of Leverage on Airtable

  • Buy some crypto and "stake it" to see the automatic returns. 

    • Compound and Tezos on Coinbase both have continuously compounding returns.

  • Set up a TextExpander to save keystrokes when typing your address, phone number, or email.

  • Home automation (buy a hue bulb or outlet timer)

  • Create a Zapier or Integromat account, and set up one automation from their prompts that will save you time. 

Or, something else entirely! As long as you are implementing something that will allow you to do more with less effort in the future, you have added leverage! 

Comment below what you did. You'll see new examples and ideas from other students, and future students can learn from yours!

Lesson comments:

RE: Set up a slack account so I am ready for Leverage group when invited. Deleted some entertainment options so I have less peripheral noise to be distracted by.

TA: Set up daily weather texts. Bought crypto.

NP: Finally started using IFTTT; starting w synching iOS contacts to a Google spreadsheet as an auto-backup. And subscription fresh roasted coffee beans from a local vendor.

IV: Downloaded a 3-month workout program to follow. This will save me time from having to figure out my workouts day to day.

TL: Just added a section of my daily habit tracking on Notion for Leverage, to make daily notes of what I've learned from the this course or actions I've taken utilizing leverage.

MA: Finally began delegating my GRT within the graph ecosystem, something I had been putting off for a while (plus, I bought some COMP on Coinbase and began staking it).

SH: Downloaded and installed aText (similar to Textexpander) for often written things like email and written scripts and decided to connect an IFTT weather alert.

Want to learn more about the Leverage course? Here are other course previews:

Read more about the Building a Mountain of Leverage course here, or purchase the course today.

Eric Jorgenson